New year starts with a surprise! – Life is a big surprise! Enjoy it!

The year started and the first day passed naturally…I mean families are together, as natural, Others went to some places of their choice to start the day right. I have watch the television news that Tagaytay have experience a heavy traffic because people went there and chooses to celebrate there. Others prepare to spend inside the house…most maybe because when we went to the shopping mall there is no heavy traffic along the way and we have a very smooth ride. Well, most families maybe enjoy chit chats with their own families at home. Some just chooses to sleep and rest from a tiring New year’s eve  .

I just thought the day would just end that way for me..but then I was surprise to receive a gift. Yeah it was a gift I would love to have. I have my new phone, I did not buy! It’s a gift . At first I said no…I have my phone anyway but insisted. At the back of my mind well, I need really a new phone. My phone hanged most of the time and It really annoys me. But since I don’t have a choice I would patiently wait for it or restart it to function. And I gave in…I have my new phone now and thank you for the wonderful gift. 

This is my gift… 

  Don’t look for the unit I just used it to capture this picture…Lol!  

Why I am happy? I can use it for my daily steemit even when I am with greatkid in school. Schooldays will resume tomorrow and I can use my new phone to continue my journey in steemit even at school waiting for great kid. I knew staying there hinder me from engaging myself in the platform, with my new phone I can now continue my activities while waiting without bringing with my laptop. Its way too hard for me bringing my laptop when going out somewhere so my new phone is really soon a big help.   

Life is really full of surprises! I never thought the new year will start right for me. I have this contemplation that it would be the loneliest new year’s eve in my life. But you just came home to celebrate with me…I wonder why you did that…. But well thank you for the surprise. And I knew this help somehow and I am not closing any possibilities in our life…just as the first day we have. Thank you for this just don’t know how it means to me. I just hope someday you will find your way back to the past that build you to be what you are now…I am waiting…patiently waiting for that day. If things are absurd as people looked at it…I knew God made it vivid to understand every situation in His own time…and I remember that someone always saying “God’s timing is always perfect”. I can’t do anything against what you have set. I am wayward looking back to all the happy memories. My facebook account usually remind me of a memory of you…and well how can I just forget the days I have all those memories even if looking back will only mean a tear that may fall down my cheeks.

Well you might be asking why most of the time I wrote this way…Happy at first then for for a moment sadness will fill the writings… It maybe something that defines me…somethings that I knew the real me. I am lonely deep inside and steemit is really a way of my comfort. I am enjoying while  while I am in this platform. Its always my way of expressing out what it is inside of me…You can read me from all of  my blog. 

Anyway I am trying my best to set my mind…to have a good vibes for the year round. I hope God will give me the desire of my heart so soon..or maybe the soonest.  

Thank you really…may we have a great good time for the year…@surpassinggoogle and @beanz and other whales in the platform I knew will always be here to support and he will make our steemit journey memorable…Lets enjoy our journey and along the way we can learn some lessons, maybe it will hurt a moment but at the end it we will realize it helps us to grow as person.  


Photos are mine

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