Community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.DSC_0812_615.jpg
They are lots of communities all over the world. But How many of these are truly successful?
Why are some communities able to maintain their historic character and quality of life in the face of a rapidly changing world, while others have lost the very features that once gave them distinction and appeal?iStock_87670393_MEDIUM.jpg
How can communities, both big and small, grow without losing their heart and soul?
To have a successful community you must have these

  1. Have a vision for the future
  2. Build plans on the enhancement of existing assets in the community
  3. Use education and incentives, not just regulation
  4. Cooperate with neighbors for mutual benefit
  5. Pay attention to issues that may arise in the community
  6. Have strong leaders and committed citizens or members
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