Wrong Love?

Eclipsed in the shadow of despair,
I ponder why has the wind of love tossed me this way;
Life I have come to realise is not fair,
If the one thing I cherish and call heavenly is forbidden they say.

At dawn she is my sun, making my day bright and fun,
At night , she is the star in my sky, making my world peaceful and colourful,
She is the word of the gospel, I proudly present to my people.
Mummy 'this is the Man of my dreams' she said, I love him!
Why must this dream be far away, tradition forbids such, Mummy replied.

Tradition, O tradition you are taking my star away, my sky is all but pain,
Auguish and grieve has become my name;
My heart is heavy, my eyes is raining
Isn't this Love all that matters?
Or tradition is going to make it shatter?
No! This traditional clause needs correction,
Our Love must conquer even if heaven descends,
I will hope, pray and wait,
For I know being together is our fate
Till then I will do my crying in the rain,
It's the only way to conceal my pain.

Dedicated to all those who love and fight for it breaking traditional and religious barrier. If you know such person, resteem to encourage them.

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