A bad break-up and going back to school after the holidays

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One of the best things about being a teacher is that, you have never really left school. The classrooms, the activities and of course, the holidays. I have to admit, even if I am called back to school for a few days during the holidays, a holiday is still awesome. From where I am from, the most delightful of all holidays is the year end holiday which runs for about 5 weeks. The euphoria upon the final bell rings to the first bell of the new year is a journey. A journey of happiness, enjoyment which you know will not last.

In many ways, going back to school after a long holiday is very much like that temporary fling, that bad relationship which you know in your gut for sure, where it will not be a long lasting one. So how does it start?

The first date/day

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It all starts off with that first date or in terms of the holiday, that first day. I don't know if you have watched the movie 'limitless' or 'crazy ex-girlfriend'. When you head off for that first date, angels are singing in the background or the background just changes, even gloomy days seem sunny and rainy days seem romantic. Everything seems so, new, so refreshing. You feel as if you have not lived till this day and you don't want this first day to ever end.

Remember the first day of the holiday? I feel exactly the same, the sun is sunnier because I don't have to wake up at 5 a.m . I can wake up at 10 and no one is going to stop me. Limitless possibilities. I can even binge watch the all the seasons of game of thrones or head out for a jog. I can take my time and have brunch or Tea-ner (Tea + dinner). Heck, I can do anything and even enjoy the rain without a care in the world. In fact, as I am enjoying the rain, might as well have a great cup of coffee because just like that first date, you know that the next will only get better.

The highlights

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Throughout the next few weeks, you will get to enjoy so many highlights of this new relationship. One of my favorite is the sharing of personal stories where you get to know someone on a deeper level. Then there is just the meeting of friends or even family members, daunting it may be at first but after it goes well, it just makes the relationship all the better.

Much like that trip that you have planned for half a year. You first go online to look for the best deals, find the right travel partner and the best deals for hotels. All this, just so you can go away to somewhere exotic or cold (I am from a tropical country. I like the cold). It is extremely daunting at first, but once that moment arrives, that very moment before you hop on to the plane to fly off, you realize that this is going to be one of the best moments in your life. The moment where it will be filled with memories and laughter. On that journey, you may get to meet other people, learn more about other cultures and things that you would never would if you did not take this trip.

As you look back at both that wonderful trip or that wonderful time when you met your other half's friends, or even just shared a deeply personal story, you realize that this may well be one of those moments in life that you will never forget. Of course, like all good things, some are just not made to last.

The End

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For some, the end to the holidays or a relationship happens in a sudden. There was never any signs, although you feel it, but brushing off seems to be the best solution. For me, I know that because I keep banishing the thought that the end is near, when the end does finally come, it hits hard and it hurts.

At this point, the reason does not exactly matter, all that matters is that it has ended. The night when you have found out that the relationship, the holiday, that you have so cherished for so long, has finally come to an end. It hurts, knowing that tomorrow will be different. It hurts that something that has become such an important part of one's life is no more. It hurts to have to force myself to wake up tomorrow. This is because whether you are on holiday or in a bad break-up, you really prefer to stay in bed and not have to deal with the world.

Of course, healing would come and you would move on, but life will never be the same. Ok, I am being dramatic. I am just dreading the fact that the holidays have ended. I am sure the new year is going to be better but, I do miss waking up late. That being said, I would like to wish you all my readers...



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