Correct this post: A steemception steemhomework within a steemhomework

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Sorry Steemiteducation, I thought I would assign a homework to everyone reading this. I read in another post that most of the time people do not care nor read through any posts at all. That may be true, but I know that there are many out there who do. I for one, read posts and I appreciate all who comment on my posts, you guys are awesome! So from this point forth, I am going to write 5 errors in past, present and future tense. I will leave it to you to look for it and like how I treat my students in the class, there are no rewards but you get my undying gratitude and my love =)

So, here goes.

Today, I will be talking about what the @unmentionables and @steemitbloggers do very well. They drive engagement and the method they used should be implemented as a function on Steemit. How that can be done, I am sure the creators of Steemit have a better idea than I. That being said, I believe such a method can also be implemented in the classroom.

A little bit of a background, @steemitbloggers and the @unmentionables require its members to comment, upvote or sometimes do both before promoting a particular post. Through this, they ensure that everyone receives some exposure and some form of engagement. In the classroom, engagement to the lesson was as important as a patty in a burger, the ice cream in an ice cream cone, the chicken in the fried chicken, the... Ok, I think I am getting rather hungry. The point is, getting students engaged is extremely important. If a teacher attempts to lecture his or her way through the class, the class will either get bored after the 15 minute mark or start running amok. How students react to a class that lacks engagement depends on age, but it is safe to say that teachers should attempt their very best to drive engagement in the classroom.

Driving engagement via @steemitbloggers and the @unmentionables has been done before in the classroom. A teacher could will assign the students to comment on each other's work. In addition, the teacher can also grade the students on how well they comment on each other's work. However, one thing that will missing often when we compare engagement via @steemitbloggers and the @unmentionables and engagement in the classroom is the lack of ownership.

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Many a times, a teacher can get rather focused on just driving engagement and forget that the students do not really care on what they are doing or what they are learning. The same can also be said on some individuals on Steemit. That being said, most are generally more motivated due to the financial motivations involved.

At the end of the day, ownership played an important role, if one does not have ownership nor intrinsically motivated to learn or to write on Steemit, writing on Steemit can be a really short stint as well as learning in the classroom.

I hope you are able to find the mistakes in the post. Do resteem the post for others to try out. Let us prove that people on Steemit vote because they read through the post. Do post the mistakes you find in the comments below.

Oh, and if you do find other mistakes, let me know and I will edit the post =)


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