Tears of a teacher and his daughter

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I love writing about positive things about teaching, it is good to share the joys of it and how I have enjoyed it for all these years. My students were like my children before I have started teaching but ever since I have my very own children, it has been such a huge blessing.

However, there are times where I need to leave my little princess to do my job. It is extremely painful and emotional. It normally starts off with a hug and a kiss, followed by a plea to stay. After that, tears would flow asking me to stay. It happens every time and it does not get easier each time. I love what I do but I wish I could bring her together with me each time. Although, that would be chaos at the conference and I would have to care for her instead of working.

A moment does not go by where I wish I did not have to leave my girl behind. The last time this happened was the most painful experience of it all. We had just came back from a long holiday, playing, enjoying and having a lot of fun together. Right after that holiday however, I had to go away for some time. I was called to present a research at an academic conference.

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This time, the crying got worse and the pleas louder. The please not to leave and the long hugs that accompanied it made leaving extremely hard. I felt like bailing on my job, I felt that it was just not worth making my precious princess sad over my job. As these thoughts crossed my mind, all that changed when my wife came and pry my daughter over from me and asking me to go before it is too late.

From the time that I left to the time of my presentation, all I can think of is how she is doing and if she still misses me. It is near Christmas now and all Christmas decorations remind me of her. That being said, I have a job to do and as much as I would rather be with her now, I have to present my research on education.

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Perhaps some teachers would benefit from the research that I was conducting. I will be presenting a study on how technology can be better integrated to improve learning and I am thankful to share my work. I am thankful to do the work that can improve the lives of many children. I am also thankful to help the teachers who are helping these students learn better.

At the very least, I do have the daily video calls while I am away and absence makes the heart grow fonder. The frequent contact through video calls does alleviate some of the sadness and it is great to see that smile on her face.

This all started with me seeing my daughter crying over me leaving. That is because if my wife did not pry her away, she would see me cry. If she sees me cry, I know we would hug each other even longer and tighter. Perhaps, I would have never left for my conference.


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