Why bother if no one else cares?

One key difference between teaching children and University students is punctuality. For some reason, the need to be punctual becomes less relevant over time. I came to a class 10 minutes before the actual class time and had to wait at least half an hour before the students arrive.

Despite this, I still made it a point to be at least ten minutes early. This was my side gig a few years back and it required me to drive through traffic jams an hour across town before arriving at the university. The first time I arrive at class, I panicked, thinking that perhaps I was in the wrong class. It is not uncommon as classes do get changed at the last minute.

After a few classes, I found that such a habit has became somewhat of a culture. As I was not one of their permanent staff, I could only write in a formal letter to complain about the issue.

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I arrived to class as usual one day and found one student who came early. He was in the area so he decided to just wait for the class to begin. As we were both going about our tasks awkwardly, he started making small talk with me. The small talk put forth by this student however was as if there was something on his mind. As such, it was not long before he asked what was really on his mind.

The question was, why bother coming early if no one does? The student was surprised why I would come early consistently if no lecturer would. He was curious why it mattered so much to me when it obviously did not to the other lecturers. I took a while to consider the question, perhaps it was because I was anticipating a love-related question. I suppose it was the vibe, but after considering the question I gave my answer.

Role Model

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My thoughts on the issue was simple, I felt that in order for me to create my ideal classroom, I have to model the right habits, characteristics and attitude of that classroom. As such, if I want my students to arrive early, I would have to do so myself. For far too long, many operated with the presumption that students should do as they are told but not do as they see.

My problem with that train of thought is, how can anyone expect any student to act right if you, their teacher is unable to do so. I explained that being punctual was also a habit, like any ideal classroom, project or building, it can never be built in a day. As such, it is important for the teacher to start by modelling all the right attitude from the very start. I have seen this work countless times.

I have seen students change from being merely followers to leaders, I have seen students change to be more like me because, like it or not, students end up following a teachers' character. This includes the bad and the good. Unfortunately for my students, that includes the occasional bad jokes.

Aim to Inspire

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Aside from just modelling the right attitude, the other reason would be to inspire the students. I find it practically impossible for any teacher to inspire anyone if they are not an inspiration themselves. As such, it is important to care, to come early and to go the extra mile. It is through such display of character that it helps others see how you are different from others.

This leads to curiosity, which much like the situation of this post, would lead to opportunities where the teacher can impart wisdom and knowledge to the students. While it is important for the teacher to teach content, it is not enough as that knowledge can be temporary. But, if the students are inspired and motivated, the end results and all the accompanying habits that come with it is sustainable. This leads to the teacher producing individuals and not robots who are adept at regurgitating knowledge.

It has been four years since that day. I met that same student again at a mall. He still remembers me and that conversation I had. I like to believe that I have inspired him to be better and at times with the constraints placed on us educators, we may not be able to produce students with good results. We may not even be able to produce students who are successful at times. However, if we are able to inspire a student, they will transcend the boundaries of exam results and succeed in their lives in the future.


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