Children need light and air
Obesity, allergies and susceptibility to disease are on the increase in children. According to the Federal Statistical Office, every fifth child and every third adolescent in Germany is overweight. One reason is lack of exercise and not enough fresh air.
Children should go outside in infancy regularly - in any weather. On the one hand this serves to strengthen the immune system, on the other hand the important vitamin D in the body is mainly formed by the UV radiation. Healthy children need to get fresh air every day to grow up healthy.
Vitamin D - Important for bone formation and immune system
The fat-soluble vitamin D is important for strong bones and an intact immune system. Unlike the other vitamins, it is barely absorbed by the diet. In the 20s and 30s of the 20th century it became known that a deficiency causes the bone disease rickets. For many years children then had to drink cod liver oil daily to regulate the vitamin D household. In the meantime, infants and toddlers receive the vitamin in tablet form, usually in combination with fluorine. However, the human body has the ability to produce the necessary amount of vitamin D in the skin through the sun's ultraviolet rays - even if it does not shine at all. For children with strong bones and a strong immune system to grow up, they need to recharge their batteries every day. For the formation of sufficient vitamin D actually already 10 minutes per day. However, the movement in the fresh air for children is important for other reasons.
Children have to rave
Children need exercise to train their body, build muscle and just let off steam. In addition, sufficient physical activities strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent overweight. Suitable places for romping outdoors are on the playground or football field, in the forest, in the swimming pool, playing ball or cycling. On the one hand, children can react here with only a few restrictions. They can be loud and get dirty. On the other hand, the fresh air and the germs that confront the organism constantly train and strengthen the immune system. Children who are out regularly get sick less often. This is certainly due to the better immune system, but also because children who have enough exercise are simply more balanced and happy.
You should note that
- Even babies need fresh air and that every day for one or two hours. However, you must make sure here that the infants are not exposed to the drafts or the blazing sun. The thin skin and the untrained immune system can not adequately protect the organism.
- Do not dress your child too warm. A good clue is on the one hand the own body feeling. The skin of the child should feel warm and dry. This is especially important for small children who are not talking yet.
- Even in winter and in inclement weather children are outside. But then well packed. One-piece snowsuits, mud pants and rain jackets are best. Take care of waterproof and warm shoes and do not stretch your stay outside until your child has cooled down. Then rather twice in the fresh air.
- Make sure there is enough fresh air at night as well. In summer, the window can remain open, in winter you should ventilate well before bed again.
Air is not equal to air! Make sure that your child not only breathes city air, but also spends enough time in the countryside and in the great outdoors.
If you provide your child with sufficient exercise in the fresh air, it ensures that it grows up healthy and happy and also trains its physical abilities. The demands placed on the body and brain during climbing, running or ball games ensure that new synapses are formed in the brain: children who move a lot outside are therefore not only healthier, but also smarter.
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