Funding Education with the Blockchain, Update Post #1: We Funded Project #1!!!!

Wow! It happened much more quickly than I ever thought possible, but Project #1 has been fully funded!

If you're just now tuning in, I blogged yesterday about funding two projects from my wife's classroom via the blockchain!

That's right, it was yesterday, which is nowhere close to the payout for the post, so how did this happen so quickly?

The projects were being hosted by, which today celebrated funding its 1,000,000th project! In honor of that, all donations were being matched at a 100% rate, which means for today, the projects only needed half as much to complete their funding. For Project #1, this was only $142. Through liquid donations to the project thanks to the blog yesterday, I had already received 17.2 SBD toward the project, so I converted those SBDs to STEEM, added a few of my own to make up the difference, and sent the donation!

Here are the process transactions for proof!

Now, if you check out the project page, you'll see that it has been fully funded! I don't know if my wife has seen it yet at the time I'm posting this, so I can't wait to hear her excitement.

The best news is that my original blog is still 6 days away from payout, which means we're almost guaranteed to be able to fully fund Project #2!

Any and all funds received in addition to what we need will be applied to future projects on DonorsChoose. This is just the beginning of using the blockchain as a transparent way to contribute to education in the United States. Thank you to everyone who has upvoted the original post so far. I'll be thanking all of you in a week's time when the post pays out.

For now, I'd like to give a special shout out to the users who contributed liquid SBD yesterday and today to make this accomplishment happen quickly!


Thank you all for your gifts, even the tips from @tipu! Every bit counts, so I look forward to sharing more happy news with you all soon!

If you would like to contribute, there's still plenty of time! I'm accepting liquid STEEM and SBD donations to my account, and alternatively, you can vote up both of the following posts to support this education initiative:

Thank you all again for your support! It's incredible to see the blockchain impact the lives of teachers and students. Let's keep it up!

Update: I forgot to announce that any liquid rewards from this and future update posts will go toward future projects. Thank you for your response to this post already!


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