Cause You’ve got Personality


Lloyd Price sang:

“Walk, Talk, Smile, Charm, Love (with personality)... And plus you’ve got a great big heart.”

In Korea it is the end of the school year. The new school year begins in March. I teach fifth and sixth grade students English as a Second language in a public school. They will graduate and go to middle school soon so I did a funny personality quiz and letter writing class.

The personality quiz is based mostly on Eastern psychology but is a lot of fun. It was hard for the kids not to take the quiz too seriously. First I reviewed animal vocabulary and words to describe animals. Then I gave them this test with four questions. Try taking the test your self. Make a mental not or jot the answers somewhere. I will show the results and meaning of the test at the bottom of this post.


Personality worksheet

The kids wrote their answers on this worksheet. They still couldn't tell the meaning of the answers because the results were not explained.

If I explained the meaning of the results step by step the kids would go wild so I explained the meaning of the results after all the students finished writing.

If students finished early they helped their friends or shared their own ideas with their friends. Teaching in a multi level class has the challenge of some students taking longer to finish while other students get bored so I assign tasks to all the students.


What answers did you get?


    • Angry Tiger
    • Cute bunny rabbit
    • Wild Unicorn

  1. Put the animals in order from the one you like the most first.
    Sheep, cow, horse, pig, tiger, etc.

  2. Give a description word for each object:
    DOG ------------ faithful
    CAT ------------- cuddly
    RAT ------------- cheesy
    COFFEE --------- addictive
    SEA ------------- wide open

  3. Name one person for each color. It is better to name people you actually know:
    YELLOW - - - - Chris
    RED - - - - - - - -Jenny
    GREEN - - - - - -Gonzo
    ORANGE - - - - Peter
    WHITE - - - - - Elizabeth
    PURPLE - - - - -Bob

Test 1 Results


Test 2 Results


Test 3 Results


Test 4 Results


Kids went wild at this point.

Our normally lethargic sixth graders were actually enjoying English class on a Monday morning. I had to remind them not to take this seriously. One boy chose the color red for his mom and was a little bit embarrassed but love can mean more than boy friend and girl friend love. Sometimes students wrote the name next to the color only because those kids were wearing that color at the moment. Usually the answers came out pretty close to true or at least it was a big laugh. It got pretty noisy so I asked the students to turn the paper over and write a letter to one friend and deliver the letter to the friend. After that we played UNO in groups for ten minutes. It was a great end of the year activity. I won't see those students again. They will go on to middle school but I don't think they will forget this class.

It is really cold but kids are having fun.


Cover photo is public domain pixabay all other photos and worksheet are created by @mineopoly

Original poem by @mineopoly

Looking in the mirror I see
A refection of me.
Looking from your eyes I see
Only part of me.
My eyes are turned to look
Outside my head
Where to go and what to do instead.

I see the hand in front of my face
I am blinded to my disgrace
The world of perception lies just a little ahead
Of what the eyes can perceive
Scattered back and forth inside my head
Searching for direction and identity
Gasping out an adolescent scream
At the reality inside of me

Unaware of who we are
Hours wasted nailed to fiberglass chairs of distraction and indoctrination
Unaware of the man inside.
Unaware of what makes them tick
Just watching the time go by
There is something more
Something deep inside
Something they cannot help but hide
For if he appears on the surface
then the mirror that holds us will be broken to pieces
With the mirror broken
How will we see reality?




mining the heart

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