Earphones can help you to concentrate

Earphones can help you concentrate. I have two types of earphones. The ones that you put inside your ears, those small ones, and then I also just got myself some big ones, that go over your whole ears. 

The big ones can double as ear muffs in winter. Anyway, there are two ways of using earphones when you are trying to concentrate. One is to just put them on, without sound, and use them like a kind of muffler, so that you don’t hear the sounds coming from outside as loudly. 

The other ways is to put some music on, I get songs on Youtube sometimes, or a CD. Now both have their advantages and disadvantages. The good thing about music is it can be soothing and relaxing, and it helps to drown out the ambient noise in the place where you are. 

On the other hand, it can just add another layer of sound to the existing noises of people talking and the music in the place. So it could be distracting if your brain is now trying to make sense of three types of noises.   

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