SteemitPromo #1 : Introducing Steemit to UIN Ar-Raniry Students in Aceh || Memperkenalkan Steemit ke Mahasiswa UIN Ar-Raniry, Aceh

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There are two universities in Aceh that called "The Heart" of Aceh people, which are : Syiah Kuala University and UIN Ar-Raniry.

Di Aceh, ada dua perguruan tinggi yang digelar sebagai jantong hatee rakyat Aceh. Keduanya adalah Universitas Syiah Kuala dan UIN Ar-Raniry.

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Today, on Tuesday, October 17th 2017, I introduced Steemit to students at the Faculty of Missionary Endeavor, Department of Communications and Broadcast, UIN Ar-Raniry.

Hari ini, Selasa 17 Oktober 2017, saya memperkenal Steemit kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Dakwah Jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran.

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It took place at aceHTrend media office, and as introduction, I explained to them the media evolution from printed to online and social media.

Bertempat di kantor media aceHTrend saya lebih dahulu menjelaskan evolusi media dari era cetak, online hingga kemunculan media sosial.

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When I explained the blockchain technology, I introduced Steemit as a media which provides opprtunities for creators and curators of the contents to get rewards.

Ketika menjelaskan era teknologi blockchain, saya pun memperkenalkan steemit sebagai media yang memungkin kreator dan kurator konten mendapat bayaran.

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I also introduced aceHTrend media and explained to them its differences with Steemit, and the possibility to get support from SMTs for aceHTrend.

Saya juga memperkenalkan media aceHTrend dan menerangkan perbedaannya dengan media steemit, dan kemungkinan menjadikan aceHTrend mendapat dukungan SMTs.

Herewith the moments of I and UIN Ar-Raniry stusents which captured by campus photographer, Maulan Rizki.

Berikut momen pertemuan saya dengan mahasiswa UIN Ar Raniry yang diabadikan oleh photographer kampus, Maulan Rizki.

This Saturday, October 21st 2017, I and some of my friends from KSI Banda Aceh will introduced Steemit to Unsyiah students which incorporated with UKM Pers Hahow Faculty of Law.

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017 saya dan beberapa kawan dari KSI Banda Aceh akan memperkenalkan Steemit ke mahasiswa Unsyiah yang tergabung dalam UKM Pers Hahoe Fakultas Hukum.

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2017-10-17 at 16.47.23.jpeg Siti Rahmah SH, M. Kn, Dosen Fakultas Dakwah, UIN Ar Raniry



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