Hyperactive children

Hyperactivity is the general term used to describe behaviors such as concentration deficiency, lack of sleep and excitability. While it is considered normal for a child's energy to generally leave parents exhausted at the end of the day, genuinely hyperactive children will need the help of a therapist to retrain their habits..



  • 1: Organize your activities without forgetting that they are small and need the game

  • 2: Observe if they are not overstimulated by the computer or TV.

  • 3: Pay attention to them without projecting their own anxieties and trying to respect their own personality.

Importance of physical activity

The constant activity in children is an inexhaustible source of pleasure and health. In that sense, parents should encourage the expenditure of their inexhaustible energy, encouraging their sense of adventure and independence. Medical evidence shows that physical activity is not only recommended for adults and young people. During childhood it is favorable for the development of muscles, heart and lungs and contributes, at the same time, to the strengthening and growth of bones, in addition to preventing obesity. the amount of exercise is necessary during the years of growth varies individually, but it is a good idea to encourage physical activity in a child as soon as possible.

A sociable and fearless child.

To help children grow up as generous, loving adults, they must respond to their social demands from the start. That way they will grow responsible, friendly, social and affectionate. The sociability of the child is one of the greatest responsibilities of the parents, who must know how to teach the benefits of sharing moments and games with the rest of the family and other children. For that, nothing better than to incorporate children in as many group activities as they find pleasurable. In them you can learn to perceive and express the full range of feelings and affects of the world of children...

Tips to help strengthen the child's development

Why do they lie?

A child cheats when he wants to cover an imagined or real weakness. If it is safe, yes, you will rarely feel the need to lie. In general, the problem arises when the child is exposed to excessively competitive situations. If a child cheats, they may be pushing hard and expect too many achievements on their part.

Pantalla peligrosa

An average child watches around 24 hours a week television. The behavior of children and adolescents with such an amount of time in front of the screen is usually hostile and not very receptive to the guidelines of emotional intelligence. to reverse this, it is necessary to reduce exposure hours and transmit them a message in which imagination and values ​​count.


Thanks to the @steemiteducation community for contributing to the educational strengthening

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