How to check the lack of confidence in your child?

If there is a lack of confidence in the child, in most cases it starts with family and then at school.
If your child has seen the following 5 signs, then there is a lack of confidence in him.


1. Do not seek any new work or challenge

Do your children have any reluctance to do something new or to move to a new place? Creating excuses to not go to new places, to make a new job, becomes very nervous? Sometimes it is natural to have a nervous condition before taking any challenge. But you will understand that he is actually nervous or afraid. As children learn to take a new swim, children may have nervousness. But if you do not want to go near the water due to fear of fear, then your child may have some confidence deficit.

2. Talking negatively about yourself

If your child is negative about yourself, then take it for granted that he thinks himself a little too small. If he says it will not be with him, he can not do it, he is not good to see, he is not as smart as others ... then he does not have his confidences on that matter. In particular, if there is any deficiency in his own body structure (long-short, thick-skinned, etc.) or appearance, then it also affects his other work. In such cases, parents must take notice of it.

3. Not being able to appreciate yourself

How do you react when you appreciate your child? He is happy, takes pride, admires you? Or feel uncomfortable, blows your praise? In simple words, does he believe in your praise? Does he believe in the belief that he deserves this praise? Or do you think that you mean mother or dad?

4. Unable to accept criticism

Children who suffer from lack of confidence can not accept any other criticism. Because by doing this, he gets more convincing in his own low perception. So constructive criticism If your child is hard to accept or accept, then there is a lack of confidence in him.

5. Easy to leave

When the child goes to learn or learn something new, does he give up soon? Does he say very quickly that I can not, will not you? Children who have low self-esteem, leave them in a hurry to fear failure. He could not have given up on himself rather than failing - through this he thought that he had control over the matter.

When the children are young, they usually take the burden of failing, and when they grow older, they start to blame others or something else. Many children leave silently and never try again.


The signs that we are talking about above will not always be seen in children who are simply suffering from lack of confidence. Many times, self-confident children can behave in a way that makes a mistake or fails. But if these behaviors are regularly seen in the child then it should be assumed that there is a lack of confidence in the child. Therefore, as a guardian, you must work to bring his confidence back.

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