30 fun fact challenge - all my strange and normal features:) New challenge on STEEMIT:)

@torem-di-torem invited me to participate in a 30 fun fact challenge. So, here is my entry:)

1 I am older than I look
2 I drink no alcohol
3 I eat meat a lot
4 I drink only tea

5 I breath every day
6 I breath and think about it sometimes
7 If I am not thinking about my breathing I think about what to eat next
8 Fish or meat is my question of the day
9 Long time ago I was a child
10 I like Siberia
11 I like to fly with my own aircrafts in Flightgear


12 I live in Bavaria
13 My culture is celtic


14 You may call me a music-shaman
15 In my garden is a mongolian Yurt
16 I can speak fluently without stuttering
17 I could not speak till I was 28 because of stuttering
18 My beloved color is blue
19 My color which is not good for me is yellow
20 My good direction is west-north
21 I know Russian, English, German and Bavarian languages
22 On Mondays I have problems with my stomach
23 I have no car and no other vehicle
24 I go on my own feet to work
25 I want to visit the shaman culture in Korea
26 I want steemit to pay for it
27 I am happy with myself
28 I like to smoke 3-5 cigarettes per day
29 I am a chess teacher for kids

30 I am too lazy for green grass, so I have a flower meadow

Now I challenge @homeartpictures to do the same!:)

Thank you for reading:)

(First and last picture are free to use, the other are mine)

See you next time!

Thank you for your attention!


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