An Ode From One Once Frustrated Minnow To One

Bless thy journey in this unknown turf
As thee scavenge on fellow minnows, dolphins, whales and orcas' thoughts
I am but a minnow just like thee
Discouraged for some time, wishing deep inside ... " Dolphins, whales and orcas please notice me".

"Hang on in there!" echoes one dolphin
In one of her writings, I happened to bump in.
I followed her in the deep, fearing not - I might drown in
Explored the turf she was swimming in - @tiffjane is her name.

She and her hub @jamtaylor and their few friends @givemeyoursteem and @healthyfood.
Along with a couple of friends @smooth, @fyrstikken, @intructor2121, @knozaki2015 and @berniesanders some Steemit photo and foodchallenges which I have joined - have hosted and sponsored
They sure all wrote about ... - how to get around
Left a few puzzles behind ... about ~ what was for me an unfamiliar ground

I saw they were tailing other big fishes and so quietly I tailed along,
Listening to every buzz, every new things they were brainstorming on
Somewhere along the trail, another dolphin must have noticed
She gave me three cents helped me breathe in this abyss

I kept tailing along and heard another dolphin's echo
Saying "Be unique, be thyself and more stuff like that - I run out of rhyme wtf ! "
@stellabelle said that's what she did - she poured her whole out in this abyss
And soon enough, dolphins, whales and orcas ... about her have chatted

I tailed along side them without being noticed ...
Ye, too must be feeling this now
"Perhaps, it's because ... " thought I, - unlike other Steemit girls
Whom @fairytalelady once gave a sermon to - for daring flaunting their half covered bodies
"To thee perhaps.." thought I...
"Just perhaps .. my thoughts were not .. appealing enough."

Yet hang on in there, is indeed what I did
Having bumped along a few dolphins who were helping minnows with their leads
I tailed along and dove deeper with them into the abyss
I learned a new language they seem to speak
At first, I couldn't comprehend anything ... everything was so vague.
Yet, I kept reading, listening, hiding advice they've thrown
Tried what seemed to work in this "unknown"

Many times, I felt left out, lost and confused
I am but a minnow fragile and small
To survive this deep waters with dolphins, whales and orcas I wasn't sure

But then one day while.. I was tailing them along
A miracle just happened, one of my simplest work seem to have grown
A whale named @blocktrades ... my humble thoughts - have upvoted

But wait! according to one of his articles it may actually be Mrs. @blocktrades
That night, whether it was her or him - no longer matters
All I know is they and some fellow minnows all helped me make a breakthrough
All I could say is THANK YOU!

And so fellow minnow just so thee know ...
Tailing along huge fish is mostly what I do,
@dantheman suggested "articles shouldn't be down voted"
@dollarvigilante did - but who cares ~
It was @dollarvigilante's youtube video that brought me here in Steemit
Plus I didn't come here to take sides on which whale makes a better point
I came here to write content from which other people could get benefits

So fellow minnow discourage thyself not
Instead persist if thou must - write thy heart out
For in this what seem to be dangerous waters we are swimming in
Dolphins, whales and orcas alike - help minnows they see - have potentials in them

And so fellow minnow keep swimming if thou must
"Go ye with the wise and ye shall be" says the Bible
and so I went on tailing along them- very much inspired
And so fellow minnow, brave thyself up
Keep writing .. go on .. have no options of giving up

What may now seem to be thy "ignored posts"
Are someday going to be noticed
I still have posts with zero cents but I know .. someday, they're going to be read

Dolphins, whales and orcas aren't blind to see thy authenticity
So enjoy what seems to be now a bumpy swim
Make friends here, swim along and just have fun with thy Steems !
Read posts and system updates so ye may know how to behave
Avoid the negatives and the dramas
Focus on what's positive

For sooner or later Ye shall see ...
This is aimed for a win - win for them, for thee and me.

And so fellow minnow ... just keep on Steeming :D

And as you can see - it says "to be continued ... " on the last comic strip pic
I'd be doing more of this so do follow me @englishtchrivy

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