ANNOUNCEMENT: SteemitHomesteaders SLACK Community!

Fellow homesteaders, gardeners, farmers, preppers, and like minded individuals. I want to announce to you the creation of...

A free slack community to discuss topics of interest, share ideas & techniques, news, and otherwise get to know each other better to form an online community network alongside Steemit.

What is Slack?

Developed as an online business meeting and sharing utility, Slack has expanded to meet the needs of anyone who wish to share ideas, communicate, and otherwise converse together.

Think of it as a 21st century chat room. Slack is also very similar to Discord and Steemit.Chat in appearance and function.

Why Should I Join?

Have you found yourself wishing to find a group of like minded individuals to talk with online? Wouldn't it be great if those same people knew about Steemit and could all help each other learn and use it as well as share posts with each other?

If so, then this is why you should join! If not, stop by and see if you like it all the same... it's free!

Free for Us, But You're Probably Making Money

Nope! No kickbacks or benefits are extended to me for doing this. I'm doing it out of my own selfishness to want to talk to other homesteaders, farmers, gardeners, and preppers about interests and Steemit.

Ready to Join? Click Below!

Anyone can join, and you can invite anyone else to join, too. The more the merrier!

Spread the word to your friends and fellow Steemians and post any questions, comments or concerns below and I'll reply asap. Thanks!


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