Regarding the Github Issue to Fork out SteemIt Inc.'s Stake..


If we could act as a board and vote "No Confidence".

I would totally vote "No Confidence" if we had such a function.

However, we don't.

I see forking them out an act of theft and I don't support it.

Having said that I'm done pretending that @ned is going to learn to communicate. Or suddenly figure out how to create SMTs or other projects in a reasonable time frame.

It is up to each person now to decide how to manage your investment and time.

I'm tired of listening to others talk about what Ned could or should do better. I choose to remove myself from that conversation.


Since I have been a voice of support for the Steem Project, I feel a personal responsibility to now unshill.

My expectations of progress, change or growth are extremely low

If Bitcoin goes up or the Market heats up many will likely still make money.

Maybe what we have is already "Good Enough".


I'm not putting new money in, nor am rushing to power down and sell.

I haven't invested more than I can afford and I can afford to hold for a bit.

No need to panic for me.

I hope SteemIt Inc goes ahead with their power down so whoever is left here can move forward without the weight of their stake.

I will continue to post, I guess what has changed is mostly my expectations.


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