Gaining Happiness and Healing Through Sharing - Steemit Inspiration

Before being on Steemit, for three years I could not work a regular job because of my burnout. Recovering from PTSD has had a lot of physical backlash, and it's been an uphill battle, but one for which I am happy I've been working on. The achievements I internally earn from the emotional freedom I gain every time I face dark thoughts, emotional flashback triggers, and learn to analyse the abuse that I lived, are worth so much more than I could put into words.

(Image is of me hugging Heart, my pillow who represents Ever-Expanding-Love.)

In order to gain emotional freedom though, I need to not only work on myself and heal, I need to do the things that I love, the things I am passionate about, the things that make me happy. The reason this is such a necessity, is because when I do what I love, which makes me happy, I fill myself with high vibrations and positive energy, which negate all the negative and low vibration energy that comes as a result of the trauma. This then allows me to heal more, and to focus on the things that fill my life with happiness, as opposed to focus on things that make me feel depressed, or put me in a state of panic or rage.

Writing is one of those things that makes me happy, making videos is another, sharing ideas and being silly are others. The thing is, these things are not very lucrative and some are even costly, because it costs money to publish a book. But these things contribute to my overall happiness and help me heal. I will never stop doing them, and I want to do just that, and find ways to make money doing so.

So, finding ways to monetize wasn't easy, seeing as most ways don't give enough money, and as an entrepreneur with a registered business, I have yearly expenses. I've gone through all my savings and I didn't know how I would pay for them in the future.

I don’t want to work at a “slave job” that will lower my vibration and force me to put aside my body’s immediate needs. Right now it is crucial and even vital that I respect my body because the burnout is a result from the trauma caused partly onto my physical body from my abuser manipulating me to not respect my body or its needs.

My husband discovered Steemit first, and shared what he knew with me. I was a bit skeptical at first, I had blockages I needed to work through. But, I gave it a try, to see if I would enjoy posting here, and I have gained much more than Steem. Being part of a community that “gets me” has been so uplifting!

In terms of monetary earnings though,since I started posting on Steemit, I have earned enough to cover some of my annual expenses, and I am setting more aside so I can get other tools that will enable and facilitate what I do, allowing me to do more of what I love.

You could say that Steemit contributes to my overall happiness and healing, because it allows me to share what I do, and make some income, which allows me to continue to do what I love, without the need to "work". I can just be: be happy, be in healing, be Steeming.

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