SteemitJam #4: SWnEWn progress video 1

Progress report on my submission for SteemitJam #4 (@loomy/steemitjam-4-theme-is-start-with-nothing-make-a-game-this-weekend-in-72-hours).

This evening I setup a new project with the stuff I've been doing the past month, a sort of wrap and structure of PixiJS + SAT-js (collision detection) to make a html5 game. Thinking this would be like using a game engine, it solves the basic screen/window config, basic objects for graphics and input etc.

Started on making input specific for this game and some of the bits of functionality that will eventually becoming something playable. Got so far as to having some sort of drawing thing... Works with mouse and touch. Hopefully next update will be of a game. If time allows, I hope to get a very basic steem interaction into this as well.

I'm getting old as now it's 10 pm and I want to sleep.

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