Where my spam-looking username comes from

Two thumbs up and a slow clap for @anomadsoul for nominating me for this one!

You are quite right in that I needed more than one push to produce this blog, I somehow missed the other invites - or just put them out of my mind in the same way as a 7 day B+W photo challenge 😜

Disses b+w photo challenge, uses b+w photo

Today you are in luck though today as we have a ninety minute ride on a bus to Palma to navigate and search for a new 'American' power supply for @osm0sis's laptop - and yes dear, you are one of my nominations 😘


Here are the rules of the challenge in case you are 'lucky' enough to be asked:

1 - Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
2 - Tell us your real name!
3 - If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
4 - Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that anyone who cares at all can track all the posts and check them out
5 - Nominate 5 unfortunate souls for this challenge

My Username

Looks like the content produced by it will be spam. And while some may argue this is the case, hopefully there is some half decent work to observe in my file.

On meeting @lukestokes at Steemfest 2, one of this first comments was 'a b h 1 2 3 4 5, that just roles off the tongue!'.

Another comment I heard was 'oh abh12345, yeah I've seen that name around but I thought it looked like a spam account'. Just perfect.... crap.

When I hit the registration page in August 2016, the first username I tried was @asher. This answers another section of the challenge, as this is my first name and the username I would pick if I had the choice.

Being a Caucasian male from England, I'm yet to meet another 'Asher', one day though surely! I guess if I took a trip to Israel, I may have more luck as Asher was collected by my 'far out' parents from there in the late 70s.

Anyway, back to the reason for abh12345. As my first name was taken (if you own @asher and wish to sell it then let me know!), I resorted to a username I've used in the past for it ease of remembrance. My initials, and five numbers in order of sequence. Genius!

You see, I thought this would be a like a login ID, and following registration there would be an option to add a 'friendly' name for the account. No such luck abh12345, that's not how it works here!

So yeah, I'm not so fond on this username but I did park a pretty good one 6 months ago that is now being used as a witness account.

A shameless plug for @steemcommunity - a witness project by @paulag and @abspam2345

Our initial post


The 5 lucky punters are as follows:






Feel free to file my nomination in the 'I can't be arsed with that' drawer, but I think you all may have a story behind your choices, which will likely be far more interesting than mine!

Also, apologies if you have already completed this quest... yeah I missed it, sorry not so sorry 😁

Have a good day all, Palma awaits!


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