The Steemit Name Challenge ➟ El-CR

Hi Steemit folks!

Since I was nominated by @evecab for this challenge and she is very cool steemian, I cant ignore this nomination πŸ˜‰

cr crypto.png

The rules are as follows:

  • Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

My real name is...

I like to be mysterious, actually many do on this platform. I don't want to be the guys breaking the rule here, I would have prefer not encounter this question, still I participate for the fun. So to make it quick and clear, I will consider el-cr as my real name πŸ™Š.

So why el-cr?

Since my friends, family and many people that knows me call me CR since I was 17 yo, it has become my nickname, nowadays only a few call me by my real name, so that is why I decided to go by it on this networking website.

I never thought on changing my name, although if I could or would have to, I think would go by...


Not an interesting post but it’s a challenge and participating on them makes this platform more fun.

These are my 5 people I challenge:

Long life for all of you!


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