Why 'Mandelsage'?

This is a nice, light "challenge" that I thought perfect for a Sunday night post. I discovered it through @m31, who in turn was challenged to do it by @tarazkp - @m31 didn't challenge me to it but I'm taking the liberty ;P
The challenge is as follows:
  1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
    2. Tell us your real name!
    3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
    4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge
    5. Nominate 5 people for this challenge

Why Mandelsage?

Well, it starts with me at the age of 19. Because of some interesting circumstances (a story for another time), I was calling myself a pagan then. And part of being part of a magickal community was having a magickal name. Osiris, from the Egyptian pantheon, was my favourite god. He is linked with the star Sirius. So after some thought, I liked the sound of "Sirius Starsage" as a name. Please don't judge me ;P

Fast forward to 2011, when I was just starting to get into my art. I no longer liked my account name on deviant art (siriusstarsage) so I decided to create a whole new account. I needed a new name though...

The man who discovered the most famous fractal, the mandelbrot set, was a frenchman called Benoit Mandelbrot. So I simply combined my love of fractals with the remnants of my old name and became Mandelsage.

To give you an idea of just how much I love fractals and their perplexing capacity as a tool to create art, let me show you the tattoo I got after swearing, before, that I would never get a tattoo:

That is the famous mandelbrot set, tattooed on my back. I always thought I would end up regretting any tattoo if I ever got one. So far, that hasn't happened. So why am I so passionate about fractals? If you're truly curious, see my website, especially my About page ... =)

And my real name? It's public knowledge... My name's Jody ;) ... Hi o/

I don't actually know why my mother chose this name... I think it might have something to do with her liking the singer Jody Wayne, but good gods, I just hope that's not true, lol. (Don't do it... Don't google Jody Wayne! ... You have been warned).

And, nah, I wouldn't want to change my username, even if I could. Mandelsage it is and Mandelsage it will ever be =)

Time to nominate 5 people to do this challenge...:

@shai-hulud (I actually know but I'd love for him to make a post about it! ;))

Thank you for your upvote 💖
A few recent posts of mine:
"Cell" - Gallery: Motifs | "Shiny MagicBox" - dIFS Pong with @welshpixie 007 | Gods, Consciousness and Free Will
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