Steemit Photo Challenge ; Flowers entries 1 & 2 & 3

My first, second and third entries into this weeks steemit photo challenge.

Flowers Entry 1;

The challenge this week is extra challenging for me. I live in Minnesota and it is winter here. Today it is snowing. We received 6-10 inches of fresh snow, there are no flowers living anywhere outdoors.

I decided to go indoors to one of the only places to find flowers here right now. I went to the Como Park Conservatory in St. Paul. 

Outside the conservatory;

Inside one room at the conservatory, "the sunken garden";

I arrived at 3:30 and the conservatory closed @ 4:00. I was able to spend a few minutes in the Tropical room where it is 80-85 and humid. That felt great. There was an amazing bird in there making the most beautiful calling song. It was almost haunting, it really touched me. 

I headed down to the Sunken Garden where some little flowers live, pulled out my camera and it did not work. Something was wrong with it. I ended up borrowing my girlfriends Apple Iphone SE to snag a few flower shots.

As usual, they had some pretty flowers in there. I will go back again when I figure out what is up with my camera. In the meantime I did shoot my 3 entries for this week. 


Flowers Entry 2;

Flowers Entry 3;

An Extra Flower shot;

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2 columns
1 column