SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #8 - Love Is In The Air - Long Exposure

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Reignite those childhood memories with sparklers

Sparklers and long exposures make for some great photography. It adds a bit of risk because you only have a certain window of time to nail the shot.

Plus, they're instant fun. When was the last time you played with sparklers?

My two entries into the Steemit Photo Challenge #8

[Photo 1 - top]
I hiked up a mountain in Sligo, Ireland through bog land to get this photo. Caught the sunset, got lost on the way back and fell into a bog. All for a photo...
Canon 5d Mk 3
f22 - 2.5 seconds - iso 1400

[Photo 2]
Playing with more sparklers at the Perth city skyline
Canon 5d Mk 3
f22 - 10 seconds - iso 1400

My originals here:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column