Steemit Photo Challenge No.15 -- A Very Wet Day in Spiderville

Arachnida multiboxsuburbicus var. wet AM doldrumii.

Foggy wet mornings make for a definite lack of stealth in the world of our little 8-legged friends. But a wet morning bike ride was just the thing to allow me to see this long array of webs on a local fence down by the river. I'm not a spider expert, as evidenced by the nomenclature above, but I'm pretty sure this is the work of many neighbors along the fence, not one overly-ambitious spider.

But then again, they're smarter than me, as they're out of the weather somewhere, not standing out soaking wet, taking pictures. Enjoy.


Camera: Panasonic DMC-ZS19
Lens: 4.3-86mm
Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec
Aperture: f/5.2
ISO: 160

My first post...oooooh, hope it works well. Thanks for looking.


Posted: 10/24?/2016 @ Unknown Time ~ Post No. 1

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire

Short Story-Humor/Oh To Be A Bee At The End Of "To Be"
Cartoon/Oh To Be My Cat Today
Photography-B&W/Shrubbry Up Close
Photography-Photo Challenge 15/Spider Webs-Humor-Autumn Beauty
One Minute Poem-Ode To The First of November
Photography-Photo Challenge 15/Spider Webs
Short Story-Humor/Happy Curmudgeon Halloween

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