Blue Monday (SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry)

long walk home by Jason Kravitz

I wake up from a deep sleep ...

With a few inklings of the narrative unfurling in my minds eye.

The elements are there, structures, people, landscapes and settings, but often shrouded in a thick fog, with only enough visibility to see a little in front of me, the bigger picture obscured from view.

The figure is turned away, her form familiar but hidden.

I look closer,
I form connections.

This hill is familiar, I’ve walked it before.

Beyond those branches is a house, covered in the misty cloud.
It is my house up there, and that woman,
my wife, my muse, divine femininity.

She is leading me home,
to clarity,
and I follow.

first entry for SteemitPhotoChallenge #24
Canon EOS 7D 1/40 second F/5.6 ISO 400 24 mm
(text is my own from an excerpt on dreaming ... )

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