In the Crop Circle - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #17

One of the most beautiful countrysides to visit is Wiltshire, England in the summer.

There are rolling hills and fields as far as the eye can see. You can drive for miles out in the middle of nowhere and still find a pub with some interesting characters chatting about metaphysics or other strange things.

2008 Ouroboros crop circle
Canon EOS 40D 1/2000 second F/8.0 ISO 250 24 mm

I took this photo in a wheat field in the middle of a crop circle, somewhere around Beckhampton near Avebury.

This area is the epicenter of the crop circle phenomenon. Say what you will about how they are created, by who and why, but standing in a fresh one can be a meditative and somewhat surreal experience.

This is my final entry to the SteemitPhotoChallenge #17 (Countryside)

Here's a bonus pic of a woman who was dancing in the center of the circle. It's hard to see here but one of the most amazing things is how intricately the wheat lays down in the circle. It is not just smushed down randomly, but rather pieces flow in one direction which may change, or in some places, there are little areas where the wheat stalks are weaved together.

It can be some incredible artistry, both from above as you see the big picture, and from within.

dancing in the wheat

Here's a map to give some context of where this is. The Wiltshire / Marlborough countryside is due west of London, and the crop circle activity happens west / southwest of the marker in a 50 mile or so area.

avebury 1

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