Riding shotgun into the storm - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry (#18)

These two farmers were riding on an old immaculate Deutz tractor in a parade in Belgium. I thought they looked pretty bad ass and iconic up there , staring off into the distance.

If I had not taken this photo in Belgium, I would probably guess this was in the middle of Kansas or Nebraska. Although then the tractor would have been a John Deere.

classic farmers
Panasonic DMC-GX8 1/500 second F/5.6 ISO 200 218 mm

The above photo is my second entry into the SteemitPhotoChallenge #18 (Transport).

You can check out my previous entry Dreams of better days

To give you some more context, here is a wider shot which shows the classic tractor they were riding on as well as more behind them.

duisburg parade 2016 tractors

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