Steemit Photo Challenge #14 - Autumn Foliage : Entries 1, 2 and 3

I thought I'd sit this one out but we went back to the only hotel that accepts BTC for payment in the Bitcoin City in Arnhem to take another long stroll since it was sunny today. I thought of doing that because the weather forecast said we'd be lucky if the weekend turns out pretty sunny. Well, it actually did. Yesterday would have been a better day to take pictures but I've been preoccupied with many other things and time has left me by. A missed chance.

The challenge with taking pictures using any smart phone in autumn is the fact that the sun keeps hiding behind the clouds and it easily gets dark on this side of the earth.

The challenge I had today was the fact that the trees there were too dense and although it was a great thing, it robbed me off the light I needed for a clear shot. The trees that were in the clearing were still still pretty much green as we were blessed with a long summery days this year.

STEEMIT PHOTOCHALLENGE ENTRY #1 Teeny Tiny Ice Crystals on Browning Leaves

Taken with a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition - no flash

Yes, those were not dew, I touched them and they were a bit like salt. My other phone says it was 6 degrees and the deeper we got into the woods, the colder it got. It was 4 degrees when we got home. I suppose the cold burned the edges of those leaves.


Taken with a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition - no flash

This beech tree obviously are on of those that have had enough sun on him. I tiptoed to take a closer shot.

STEEMIT PHOTO CHALLENGE ENTRY #3 Afloat and Water Reflections

Taken with a Samsung Galaxy Note 1 - no flash

I took a lot of pictures but most of them didn't come out so clear although it has been actually sunny today. The place was just too crowded with trees and if I get lucky and find a place where the top branches of trees tend almost look like they are touching each other but then there's a gap for the sky to take a peek - those trees are way too high for a petite me.

I even took this one with a SAMSUNG ES65, ES67 / VLUU ES65, ES67 / SAMSUNG SL50 without a flash hoping I'd manage to get a clearer shot but the leaves just looked pretty tiny.

I tried taking a picture of these yellowing leaves using my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and had tried setting the camera on a fall mode just because they're in the clearing but it still lacks the glow it needs since the sunlight was just not enough.

I also took these Common Mycena Mushrooms with my SAMSUNG ES65, ES67 / VLUU ES65, ES67 / SAMSUNG SL50 which I bumped along on the way back to the hotel and this time I had to use the flash because it was just too dark in the middle of the woods then.


@jamtaylor and @dek, I did not modify any of these pictures but I did use "paint" to have @englishtchrivy on each of them for the curators.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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