Steemit Photo Challenge #13 - Where Are We?

Are we here? What is this place, Mum?

Where Are We

A little child's hand on a list full of places and numbers. The relief map of the area has all those names? "Where is this, Mum?", the child asks.

Photo of the full map:

Natura 200 Area Above Trieste

The profile map depicts the conservation area Natura 2000 above the city of Trieste in Italy.

My previous Steemit Photo Challenge entries:

Steemit Photo Challenge #13 - The Hand Of Death
Steemit Photo Challenge #10 - Minimalism
SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #4 - These Are Not Usual Macro Photos Because They Are Not - See For Yourself
SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry - Waterfall, Dragon, Water Of Life
SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry -- Puma

Better and Better!

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