SteemitPhotoChallenge #13 - Entry 2 He's Got His Whole World in His Hand! and Entry 3: Solar Power

Often when I take photographs, I feel the images are the foundation for a greater artistic piece.

I'm not really into the digital manipulation so much, as I don't really love sitting behind the computer, but would rather be working with my hands and breathing the fresh outside air.

Even though I have dreams of becoming a photoshop master because there are so many possibilities for creating layers upon layers upon layers--which is really primo for my style--I have only ever experimented with it a few times.

This is one of my creations combining two of my epic photos.

Photo Entry #2:  "He's Got His Whole World in His Hand!"


I really love appendages.  They are so under appreciated and yet there is so much of our lives that depends upon them.  

We can look to hands and other body parts for clues on what is going on in our lives.Stress can manifest in the body, giving us an opportunity to find out what is really happening at the core of the situation.  When our hands are injured or our hands ache from over use, simply look at what hands represent to you for insight on the stress factor that is contributing to the pain.  Hands represent many things and even our catchy phrases give us clues where to look for answers.  

Helping hands. 

Hand in hand.

Get a handle on things.

Hands that hold. 

Hand it over. 

Give me a hand. 

Clenched Fists.  

I'll hand you that.

What's your handle?



What do your hands say about you?

Photo Entry #3: Solar Power

What a blessed day it is to be alive.  

I'm grateful to be living it with you.

Happy EVERything Steemians!

Check out my Entry No. 1: Daddy's Hand Up

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