SteemitPhotoChallenge #10 Entries - Minimalism

This one is minimalist in two meanings, as it's apparently a minimal overhead power line coming from a small transformer substation across the river.
f/1.8 1/325s iso50 4.42mm

But we also have proper transmission towers nearby.
f/1.8 1/144s iso50 4.42mm

Probably ultimately providing power also to an outlet at the outside wall of this church.
f/1.8 1/557s iso50 4.42mm

The tower of that church.

f/1.8 1/452s iso50 4.42mm

Churches in modern minimalist architecture are a pretty common sight in newly built or expanded satellite towns around here.

(For full size, right-click a photo and choose to open the link(!) in a new tab or window.)

All photos shot by me with a simple phone cam (LG-G4). No special equipment. No tripod. CC-BY-SA.

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