📷 Steemit Photo Challenge #3 — Winners Announcement! 📷

Looks like the black & whites dominated! Sorta.

Thanks again to everyone who submitted photos to the contest, thanks to @berniesanders for his donations, and congratulations to the winners. If you didn't see your post highlighted, don't feel discouraged! There are so many good entries and I cannot fit / award all!

How did you like the extra time?

Is everyone sufficiently depressed now?

A few people have said that they’d like a more cheerful theme next time, and I am happy to oblige. Let’s see what happens this weekend!

Let’s get straight down to business.

Honourable Mentions - 10 Steem Each

Submitted by @photography

Submitted by @darkb4dawn [I apologise about splitting up the image but I couldn’t show all]

Submitted by @violino

Submitted by @freerubens

Submitted by @krassvs

Submitted by @rkpl

Drum Roll Please!

THIRD PLACE — 50 Steem

"Walked about 8km to see this abandoned plane in the middle of a black sand beach in Iceland. Was absolutely surreal.
The story behind it is in 1973 a United States Navy Douglas Super DC-3 airplane was forced to land here (SĂłlheimasandur) after experiencing some severe icing. Thankfully, all the crew members managed to survive, but his doesn't make the place any less chilling."

Submitted by @idonteven

SECOND PLACE — 100 Steem

”These trees never grow leaves and it is always so very swampy in this area. It seems so barren but beautiful. It reminded me of The Silver Chair from the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Puddleglum is a froglike character in the book who lives alone and complains a lot. I could picture him living here.”

Submitted by @justicepirate

FIRST PLACE — 150 Steem

”I took this shot at Middle School Number 3 in the ghost town of Pripyat, Ukraine within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The town of Pripyat was established in 1970 to serve the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor. It was evacuated after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on 27 April 1986. The city remains deserted and desolate—a reminder of the incredible destructive power of nuclear energy.”

Submitted by @pkattera

That’s it for this week!

Look out for the theme for Steemit Photo Challenge #4 this weekend!

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