📷 Steemit Photo Challenge - SPC 23 Winners 📷


The Theme was: Nostalgia

Suggest the next theme please!

Also, I need to organise the next few guest judges so it’s not me all the time.

Guest judges receive 50SBD.

Honourable Mentions

Submitted by @birdie

Submitted by @tinyhomeliving

Submitted by @boddhisattva

Submitted by @avocadeuxshake

Submitted by @sokal

Third Place

Submitted by @marinauzelac

Second Place

Submitted by @mynameisbrian

First Place

Submitted by @jay-kopinski


Congrats to all the winners and participants!


We’ll take a short break here and pick back up in 2017! Stay tuned.

I’d like to see some fresh faces as contestants AND as guest judges. Some new ideas for challenges and maybe some new prizes.. I find it getting a bit stale, to be honest, and we need some more excitement around here. Getting a bigger influx of users coming to Steemit would help a great deal. But for the time being, I am quite happy to keep our little SPC running, as long as the users find value in it. Feel free to give feedback!

Best wishes to all and have a great, and safe, New Year’s.

See you in 2017!

(stock image)


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