Steemit Photo Challenge 46: Bokah Lily's First Contest Entry 1 and 2

I hate mushrooms.  And shrimp.  Something about the texture of both just causes me to spit it out most of the time. My whole life those were two foods guaranteed to get me to wrinkle my face in disgust. However as an adult,  I recognize the value in both foods so I've been making an effort recently to try to like these things.

Apparently you throw them together with bacon and cheese and you get something so good, it's worth submitting for the Steemit Photo Challenge. Bokeh seemed right up my alley, as I seem to include one in every post.  It's to do with the faded out background and the vivid focus point from my understanding. I don't claim to know very much about photography though.

These are my two entries, all are mine taken with a Nikon D5500 camera with AF-P 18-55mm lens on my balcony.  The city is Acapulco Mexico, my home.

Stay tuned for more pictures of these as well as the recipe.  They were to die for...and I hate mushrooms and shrimp.

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