Steemit Photo Challenge #22 Sacred - Entry

A very vibrantly painted tower at Kyoto's very famous and very crowded Kiyomizu Temple. The temple complex is built near a natural spring and if you line up long enough you can get a drink of it's pure blessed waters. There is also a high platform at the front of the main hall, (built without a single nail!) where legend has it, if you have a wish and hold it in your heart, jump off and manage to live, your wish will be granted! Of course this has been made illegal and there are numerous signs telling people to not do such a stupid thing.

This peaceful statue of the Buddha is situated in the very heart of Osaka's busy shopping district. Only a few dozens of meters from the hustle of street vendors and uncountable restaurants and bars, it offers a brief respite from the chaos.

This is a view of the main hall of the Kiyomizu Temple. Looking in from a side entrance the light and tourists coincided to make a very special composition. Everyone goes to the temple for their own reasons, and we can get a small glimpse of what those might be: prayer, photography, perhaps only sight seeing; each important motivations for the person who made the pilgrimage to the temple.

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