Steemit Photo Challenge #21: A reflection, and an apology

Yes, I have posted this photo before. I don't think I will be shooting a better reflection photo any time soon, so if it doesn't qualify, at least I can show it off 8-):

Olympus XZ-1, 50mm, ISO100, f8, 1/200

I am no good at finding specific subjects to shoot. I just walk around and take photos of things I like, that strike me. If you send me out on a mission today to get a photo with a reflection, I will most certainly not find it and come back with nice photos, all without a reflection. Looking for mushrooms, I made some rather nice sunset photos today, to illustrate my problem. Asking me "to post work that is original to this challenge" poses some difficulties for people who photograph like me, and if an older photo is any good, odds are I have already posted it on Steemit. Hence the repost.

Bonus photo for reading on:

Both are photos of the same stream called Glanerbeek, near a peat bog called Aamsveen in The Netherlands.

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