📷 SteemitPhotoChallenge #48 Nature Macro II Entry: A Flower to Call a Home / SPC#48 攝影比賽自然微距二參賽作品: A Flower to Call a Home

Hello Steemians, today I'd like to share a macro photo I took in Yangmingshan National Park. I was photographing flowers when I spotted one with a tiny bug inside of it, a very very tiny bug. I fired off a couple of shots, and this is the best one out of the bunch. I didn't have flash or tripod with me so I had to raise ISO to 6400 and even then the shutter speed was only at 1/80th of a second, I was surprised to see that the shot came out sharp without motion blur! Hope you'll like this one :)

大家好,今天我來分享一張前幾天在陽明山上拍到的一張微距照片。當時我正在拍花朵時注意到一朵花裏面有一隻小昆蟲,可以説是超小的昆蟲。我立刻對了它拍了幾張照片,這張是其中我認爲拍得最好的。我當時沒帶閃光也沒脚架所以只好將感光度拉到6400,即使這樣快門速度只有1/80秒,所以當我看到照片拍出來是銳的我也挺驚訝!希望你們會喜歡 :)

A Flower to Call a Home

1/80 sec, f/8, ISO 6400

Equipment Used / 使用攝影器材

  • Camera: Sony A7
  • Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8
  • Software: Lightroom

Hope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide quality content :)

My goal is to share with this wonderful community my passion in photography, and hopefully contribute to the awesome inspirational content on Steemit.

I read and try to respond to all comments, and welcome any photography related questions and feedback!

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