Holding a new-born life in my hand.(Original for Steemit)握在手中的生命.

Dear kitten, you look perfect in my hand. This is her just 1 hour old.

This was the first time in my life assisting in delivering new life to the world. Its hard to imagine how amazing it is holding a moist new life in my hand, weighing no more than 90g. Even though this moment seems perfect, my little princess is on the small side below the normal ~110g for a new born and of course she can not open her eyes just yet. I have to feed her milk, drop by drop.

My hand is one of her first experiences of warmth coming into this strange and dark world. Hopefully she find's security and sanctuary as well as warmth in my hands. My hands are sense of care and love that will aid her passage into this new and foreign world.
Special for #steemitphotochallenge

Bonus photo:

This is my beautiful princess "Calico Cat" - Lulu's recent photo! I feel a little sad that I can't hold her in my hand like when she was a baby..

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy my photos and story! Happy Caturday! Meow!

我的新生儿猫是完美的!这是你刚出生,1个小时大的照片 这是我人生中第一次接生并抚养新生儿猫。我不能想象将一个湿漉漉的新生命握在手中的美好,你90克的重量在这个瞬间变得沉重一些。亲爱的Kitten,你在我手中是多么完美,美好的东西都会有残缺。就像完美的你却还不能睁开眼睛,也像是体重没有达到正常值110克的你,需要我一滴一滴地喂你喝奶。还好我的手成了这个小生命来到陌生世界的第一个家,用手的温度温暖你的体温,安抚你在黑暗中的恐惧。 这是我漂亮的三色猫豆豆的近照,我有点遗憾现在的你可能不能再被我握在手里了。 希望你们喜欢我的照片和故事。
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