SteemitPhotoChallenge #42: Entry 3 - Sir Edmond Windsworth Cottlebottom!

I've been getting the stink eye from my cat Gizmo (who is also known as Cheesecake) since his torment began. He put up with it rather well, but there was absolutely no chance of getting another shot.

Because of the massive popularity for Gizmo's record spinning skills, early on he decided to go with a stage name. Now that he's about to step on stage at the cities largest EDM show called IMPACT!...he's having second thoughts, because this disguise is really uncomfortable.

Ladies and Gentleman, Let me introduce:

Sir Edmond Windsworth Cottlebottom!

@giftedgaia ...this was for you! Lol!

Image Sources:
Taken with Galaxy S6 phone using a fish angle lens.

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