Steemit photo challenge #40: Street photography - I don't trust you

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There is something about this photo that I love. Maybe it is kid's deep, naive, and innocent look, which falls perfectly in the whole setting.

This photo is Guatemala to me. This kid represents Guatemala to me. Even though he showed no trust in me and my girlfriend, he was still curious about us. He was standing in between the door, not able to decide rather run away or join us. This photo represents people's ability to choose. The kid could do whatever he wanted at that point. He was both outside and inside of our sight and his house.

Kid in the photo can become everything he wants to be.

The beauty of any photo is that it's still. It has all the hope and potential in the world.Even after 50 years, this kid will remain just a kid in a photo to me. He will be everything I can imagine and I assure you - in my imagination this kid is a very happy and successful person. I know that it won't be a reality, but... isn't everything that happens or could happen real? It might not present in this world, but it is definitely present to me.

That's why I love this photo; this kid has all the time in the world to decide what he wants to do with his life. And whatever decision he makes, he'll remain standing in between the door.

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