photocredit - Barklots

As most people who have read my post know, I am an avid fan of smoothies, juices and healthy foods. So when I was directed to look at the Steemit Culinary challenge by @englishchrivy it seemed a great way to connect hopefully with more Steemit friends.  

I spend most of Friday night looking through my books, online recipes to see what I could create that was original, would give good content and would make people remember me and smile :) NO PRESSURE -MUCH!!


 TRA-LA............                       THE WHOLESOME POOCHIE SMOOTHIE!

YES that right folks – I created a smoothie that you  can give your dog as a treat.  The poochie smoothie is full of healthy veg and fruit with some protein from the meat. Dogs can be given certain vegetables and fruit that are not harmful for them. Given raw is ok or cooked and mixed into their meat is the usual way to get some healthy goodness into your beloved pooch. ( if not sure ask your vet for advice )

My dog at 4yrs old                                    

I have been giving my two dogs smoothies on and off for years as I want them to have all the same health benefits I have from my smoothies. I usually give them the left over veg from Sunday dinner, minus the gravy as its too salty. At the moment I am feeding a STRAY DESERT DOG, HONEY and decided to try this on her.......

What are the Health Benefits - Now I'm not a vet or a health professional but I grew up being told veg is good for you , “so eat it all up”! with this in mind I went about creating the Liver, Broccoli and Banana PoochSmoothie- (bear with me on this) Can dogs eat Veg and Fruit and What are the Health Benefits?

                                                           Source Citizen Tv  

Health Benefits:

Broccoli: - like little trees on a plate – but full of amazing goodness – high in Vitamins and Antioxidents to fight off infections, can bolster your immune system with a large dose of the beta-caroten broccoli contains. Good for eyes because of the high vitamin A content and trace mineral, zinc. And last, but not least, broccoli is high in fibre which is good for your digestive tract, preventing constipation and other bowel symptons – handy if your a street dog living off rubbish.

Bananas: #1 Superfood in a fruit bowl – yes seriously, that little yellow fruit that we all love is so high in goodness it takes the no.1 spot for being top for health benefits. High in natural sugars and fibre, bananas have more carbohydrates, Vitamin A and iron that the average Apple – should give banana's to the Doctor to keep him away!

Rich in pottasium and fibre, this little powerfruit can boost your energy levels when blood sugars are low. The pottasium in bananas helps the body's blood flow and deliver oxygen to the brain – good for “Honey”, the Desert Dog, if she needs to be alert to any dangers! 

2 little known fact that banana's are also good for – PMS for women, Bananas have plenty of vitamin B6. Some studies suggest that B6 may reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements (source Secondary, hangover cure – the natural vitamins and sugars can ease the pain of a hangover – liquidise a banana with natural yogurt and honey. The banana will calm the stomach and the honey helps to restore the blood sugar levels to normal. - Helpful to know, don't think Honey needs it for this though...

Peanut Butter: - dogs love peanut butter, or at least everydog I've had loves it, so I am guessing all dogs love it as well as humans!! Does it have any HealthBenefits? - Yes you will be surprised to know – lots actually (thankfully as I love PB&Jelly sandwiches). Packed full of nutrients, it was first made by the Aztecs and has lasted the course of time. Note avoid brands that have added sugar and oils, these are not so good, organic is much better for you.

Energy Boost - Peanut butter is high in calories and is therefore high in nutrition, including vitamin B3, tryptophan, and manganese. It contains both protein and healthy monosaturated fats, a good energy pick-me-up when you crave something to give you a boost. Improves Circulation due to its levels of iron content – helps maintain good ciruculation. Good for pottassium, magnesium and calcium, all good bone strengtheners. Very Good for Honey to maintain healthy bones.

So that was the fruit and veg element of the smoothie, but no dog will just drink this, I had to entice her in with something more appetising, something that smelled too good to miss........LIVER!

YES I went and bought 1kg of CHICKEN LIVER to supplement her diet. Cost me the grand total of $2 – bargain.  I told the butcher what I wanted it for and he looked at me as if I was crazy...apparently Chicken Liver is a delicacy here...oops 



Boosts Immune System 

Liver is full of iron, helping to fight anemia and keeping your immune system in premium health.

High in Vitamin A:

You may be surprised to learn that Liver is  brimming with vitamin A in the form of retinol, alpha and beta-carotene including lycopene. With all of this its very good for optimal eye care – good for Honey to watch out for any dangers.

Keeps teeth and bones healthy -Rich in phosphorous, this makes it good for the teeth, gums and bone.

Good for the building of body tissue. A good source of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) – this is essential for normal reproduction, growth, repair and development of body tissues including the skin. Chicken liver is loaded with 2.3mg of riboflavin; all good for Honeys' development and growth.


So here is the magic .............                      THE POOCH SMOOTHIE



250grms of chicken liver – cooked and chopped

5 florets of broccoli - 

¼ banana 

½ apple – NO SEEDS poisonous to dogs

1 tablespoon Peanut butter – organic if possible

filtered water




Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. 

Pour into 'Fido's' bowl and let the slurping begin or alternative if 'Fido' is not so sure – try mixing it over some of his/her biscuits/pasta/rice


HOPE YOU have enjoyed a different take on my usual smoothie recipes - should you feel brave by all means have some! - if not just think of the natural goodness you are giving your dog.

For more normal smoothies/juices/healthy food and living, please feel free to FOLLOW me – new friends always welcomed and comments definitely appreciated





As night closes in - we head back home and 'Honey' heads back to where she sleeps in the basement of an empty villa, full tummy and happy :)



                                                                                 THATS ALL FOLKES! 


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