Steemit Sandwich Contest - Week 26 WINNERS - [29 SBD] + SSC Challenge 1 Prize Awarded to @intrepidsurfer

Steemit Sandwich Contest WEEK 26 WINNERS!

Get Hungry, Get Creative!

Submit any Kind of Sandwich Whether It's a Classic or Original Creation!



Messege from jaybird

Week 27 is a Themed Week! "Jaybird's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Ugly Sandwich." If you have an idea that you're really looking forward to constructing for future contest weeks, spill it in the comments please!

**Hey Guys & Gals, please please please remember to make a physical "validation sign" that is also included in 1 of your sandwich photos. Shooting just the sign or, digitally imprinting it may lead to a "null" entry from now on

- Please take a moment to see the Featured Entries list at the bottom. This is a small collection of awesome Entries submitted which won the SSC Outstanding Achievement Awards

Link to Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 27 (Themed Week)


And check this out!!! SSC can now be found on this fantastic website

What is Steemit Sandiwch Contest (SSC)?

Steemit Sandwich Contest is a weekly community event & food battle. It aims to connect Steemians from all walks of life who share an insatiable love for sandwiches while encouraging them to mingle through friendly competition and reward

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A very special thanks to our week 26 contestants! Your level of enthusiasm, creativity and hilarity were beyond expectation as per usual!

SSC Official Week 26 Sponsor(s): @doitvoluntarily & @jaybird

A very big shout out to all our supporters and especially our Sponsors and Donors who are crucial in upping the prize pool each week. We'd be grateful to have any new Sponsors! Past Sponsers include @bleedpoet @artwatch @gringalicious @doitvoluntarily @papa-pepper


There were a few Contestants worthy of recognition! But first...

First Prize Winner


  1. For this epic entry: @tesscooks4u/steemit-sandwich-contest-week-26-meatball-subs

  2. This entry was also in consideration for 2nd prize however, I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't award it first prise this week (as it so rightfully deserves)

  3. This brand new participant debuted a hell of a sandwich am I right?! Home made turkey balls & sauce were keys to this victory IMO.

  4. It was clear from the get go this is was to be a meat ball sub of epic proportions. The list of ingredients were also prime and the step by step instructions great for any community member who wants to get in touch with their desire for balls

  5. Presentation is on point, great shots of the sandwich looking all delicious and of the process itself. Rarely if ever have I looked at raw meat and spices in a bowl and thought mmm that looks tasty lol.

  6. Love how part of the cooking process took place in the sauce pan. It must have helped to imbue the meat with saucy goodness.

  7. Final outcome was epic! All in all a great first entry!

Second Prize & the new Week 2 Veto Vote Holder:



This is what @yesslife our week 26 Veto Voter had to say about this entries

  1. @drobinson did a good job. I liked the type of bread that was use, it reminded me of a bread that is made in my country with cornmeal and is fried, it is very good. I also loved that he put bacon on the whole sandwich, odoro the fried eggs with bacon I think too. The bacon probably added an incredible flavour although it looks unhealthy... from time to time it is good to indulge!

Our 3rd Prize Winner For Steemit Sandwich Contest was chosen by me and goes to [Big Drum Roll]



  1. Our 3rd place winner two weeks in a row. This entry was rock solid and ft. all the good stuff. Epic sized manwich, meat, fish, cheese along with other goodies. I was really interested in the anchovies. That looked like it probably made the sandwich to me. If your into those salty bastards that is... Anyway, I believe that at the very least, the fish added a distinctive taste to the sandwich.

  2. Presentation was also on point in this fine entry. Some great shots of the sandwich looking all sexy and stuff and also the assembly line was clear and concise. Simple no unnecessary info, just bam! here's a sandwich, this is how you make it and thank you!

  3. all in all a great 2nd entry to this contest.



Congratulations to @intrpidsurfer for smashing the record for SSC Challenge 1

Holy Shit...I didn't think anyone would ever touch the Legend @steemit-fooide's 8 entries in 1 week

[Challenge 1] More than 9 entries in a single contest week

Record Holder 9 = @intrepidsurfer

Previous Record Holder 8 = @steemit.foodie

[Challenge 2] More than 5 different entries with same main ingredient (ie Beets)

Record Holder = @steemit-foodie

[Challenge 3] More than 5 different entries inspired by the same movie theme (ie Star Wars)

Record Holder = @nomadics

Should anyone beat any of these 3 SSC records, I will personally award them a prize TBD

Notes from @jaybird

All I have to say is the usual "bravo to all the contestants this week."

Featured Entries: (I will for the most part only be featuring the "Outstanding Achievement" winning entries in this section)

@steemit-foodie - no surprise that I'd ft. one of SF's amazing creations. How the hell does she continually come up with this stuff? This particular entry (of 3) was a piece of artwork. Simple, yet visually stunning and hopefully tasty. Made out of 3 ingredients (her self imposed theme was "simple" this week) this was the most artistic way I've ever seen anyone utilize a hotdog lol

@andreipopa - a relatively new SSC participant has been ramping up recently, submitting multiple entries and came up with the gem of a sandwich! The thing that I appreciated most was the use of herring (something rarely used in SSC) and the brie combo, ohhhh plus the red onions (vs white) and olives! Great salty combination of flavours and the cheese to help balance it off. It seemed like a pretty thoughtful sandwich when you consider how these flavours could easily overpower one another vs. compliment.

@jeffjagoe - oh baby, Jeff has been around the SSC block for a while now... and they guy brings it in the form of mad meat sandwiches (except for that one time when it was Vegan Week & he still busted out one of the best PBJ's of all time lol).
This triple threat Philly Cheese Steak sandwich was a beautiful sloppy mess possibly more suited to Week 27th's contest lol, however, you can tell that no matter how sloppy it looked, it tasted fucking phenomenal. I'm just a bit surprised that it wasn't leaking hot pepper juice ;) Jeff also consistently takes some of the best pictures and his entry blog style is very distinctive as one may notice in this weeks entry!



  1. @jaybird: I select the winners based on a variety of parameters. Just do your thing and have fun with it. I'm considering many factors such as presentation, ingredients & originality, creativity, community opinion & artistic ability just to name a few. PLEASE make sure to follow the rules! They are easy to follow and help prevent the tragedy of Null entries!

  2. There are now 3 prizes. First Prize = roughly 50% of the prize pool

  3. Second Prize dubbed the "Veto Vote" = roughly 25% of the prize pool + the honour of selecting the following weeks second prize winner. This prize is ideally given to an entry that although it did not win the contest, showed distinction among all the other entries. This could be a feature such as it was the community favourite, it used the most bazaar ingredients, or, it was just the best looking sandwich etc. IMPORTANT! The "Veto Vote" holder may not vote on his or her own sandwich to be selected as the second prize. However, they are still eligible to win First Prize should they enter the contest that week.

  4. Third Prize will be roughly 15% of the prize pool

  5. Roughly 5% of the pool goes towards the "Outstanding Achievement Awards"

Week 27's Veto Vote holder is: @drobinson and was selected by @yesslife who was week 26's Veto Vote holder. Thank you both for your participation!

  • IMPORTANT! "Veto Vote" holders must always present their final selection to @jaybird in confidence and allow the news to be revealed in an officially "Who Won Steemit Sandwich Contest" blog post. Deviation from this method will result in a forfeit of the Veto Vote and thus, the selection will be consider null and a new winner will be chosen by @jaybird.

  • Veto Voters can contact @jaybird through discord jaybird#4732 or Steemitchat username: jaybird. If for whatever reasons, the Veto Vote winner does not select an entry in the following weeks contest, I will be the default second prize selector for that week.

@jaybird reserves the right to alter the contest rules and structure as necessary.

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jaybird ~

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