SteemitSandwichContest Week #41 - Potato & Emmental Pancake Veg Ciabatta Sandwich

Another week gone by and were the entries hot for the start of the SSC naughty forties!

Enter this contest at your own risk, as Sandwiches have become my new addiction.
I nowadays find myself constantly thinking of what sandwich to make next, so here goes for Week #41 of @jaybird's fabulous SteemitSandwichContest.

This week I'm making a delicious Potato & Emmental Pancake Veg Ciabatta Sandwich.

So why no meat this week?
Well, when I was a working gal, there used to be a little takeout close to my office that made the most divine Vegetarian Burgers and I've been longing for that!
My version is quite close to that, but whereas that burger was topped with potato crisps, mine has a crispy Potato & Emmental Pancake base, absolutely delicious, definitely going to make that again and eat it all by myself!

Ingredients required:

  • Freshly baked Garlic Ciabatta
  • Butter
  • Potato
  • Onion
  • Emmental Cheese
  • Parsley
  • Eggplant or as some call it Brinjal and others Aubergine
  • Brown Mushrooms

The star of the show was first on the menu, and really so easy to make - Potato & Emmental Pancake
All it took was one grated Potato, grated Onion & a handful of grated Emmental Cheese.
Squeeze any excess liquid out of the potato & onion, mine was quite a dry potato so did not require this.
After seasoning it to taste, I placed it in a hot non stick pan with a tiny bit of butter & oil. I shaped & prodded it till it held together nicely.

When the edges started crisping and the underside was a nice brown, I carefully turned it like one would with a regular pancake; I was tempted to toss it into the air but did not want to tempt fate, no time to play around today.
Somehow the whole world wanted to book at our bnb today, so that was great, really am thankful, but my poor sandwich went from a breakfast sandwich to a dinner starter - ok, Papa Bear, Granny Bear & I all shared so don't start getting ideas of me gorging myself before dinner!

Gorgeous crispy Potato Pancake with cheese oozing here and there!

Eggplant slices were fried in a little butter, as were the Mushrooms & Onion Rings.

Garlic Ciabatta was halved and lightly toasted in the same pan & we were ready to roll, but not until hubby helped me with my stencilled SSC cheese slices.

This reminded me of the days when I was a learner draughtswoman and everything had to be done by hand. Yes, I'm sure many of you cannot imagine working without a computer, but we had to do all our drawings by hand and use antiquated tools like stencils, scales and ink pens to name a few!
There I go again, giving my age away :):)

Back to our sandwich - lightly toasted Garlic Ciabatta bread waiting to be covered in all things nice and good.

The lovely crispy brown Potato pancake gets the honour of being the first one to lay down on this lovely bread:)

Next in line is the gorgeous Eggplant.

The gorgeous mild flavour of grated Emmental goes on to compliment the Eggplant.

The complex flavours of brown Mushrooms gets added to the mix.

Lastly the Onion get the honour of showing off its perfect rings by landing on top of all this.

Sealed with a kiss...I meant the other half Ciabatta bread...

Topped with slices of cheese cutouts.

Sliced into three, revealing the gorgeous filling.

My hand model hubby dying to dive into this sandwich.

A quick look at the whole process for all us busy bodies.

Hope to see your sandwich on #steemitsandwichcontest next time :)

Original Content by @lizelle
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All images property of @lizelle

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


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