Sea of forgetfulness - Poetry [DAY 1]

Sea of forgetfulness

In the desert of calm in the absence of voices,
witness of forced confinement. Mirage,
plays the imagination and interrupts eventually
the atavistic gift.

Evocation of the will to err,
the sea, brave ally that does not bend his freedom,
his screams and his violent air
caresses the nakedness of the body.


The flight of the pelican announces
the trance of the trophies
that in his fear immolates the weak addict,
sacrifice accepted in communion.

Hunter with excellent vision.
Suffering of a helpless fish.


Source photograph N° 1 taken by the author, Panasonic Lumix DMC-LS80 digital camera


El mar del olvido

En el desierto del sosiego frente a la ausencia de las voces,
testigo de reclusión forzada. Espejismo, espejismo,
Travesea imaginación interfecta eventual
de la merced atávica.

Evocación del albedrío al errar,
el mar, bravío aliado que no doblega su libertad,
sus gritos y su violento
soplo acaricia la desnudez del cuerpo.

El vuelo del pelícano anuncia
el trance de los trofeos
que en su temo inmolan al endeble adicto,
sacrificio admitido en comunión.

Acechador con una excelsa visión
Agobio de un peje desamparado.


Reading notes: Beginner

Original by @corderosiete

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