100 Days of Poetry Challenge Update [Day 0] (Day 1 starts at 6 PM GMT!)

100 Days of Poetry Challenge
-----Update [Day 0]-----

(Day 1 starts at 6 PM GMT!)

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Hi everyone. Wow. I'm quite amazed at the turnout for the challenge thus far. We have over 100 entrants! In fact, I might as well say it—

I'm probably gonna need help with this!

Problem is, I don't know with what exactly... but the prospect of reading over 100 poems daily and keeping track of everything seems nigh impossible. I've never hosted a challenge of this sort before! So I'm sure there it will not be run perfectly.

Anyone who is more experienced with poetry that would be willing to volunteer and teach class on some days would be highly appreciated. For now, we are gathering at 7 PM GMT (one hour after new days start.) Class time is subject to change, so check out the announcement in these daily updates. If you want to volunteer to help me curate any of the categories (beginner, intermediate, advanced) or anything else, please contact me in Discord where I am @d-pend#5693.


Changes to challenge operation & reminders

I have to give a shout out to @quillfire who gave me excellent feedback in private on how to improve this challenge. The main change is how daily prizes will work, and the addition of weekly prizes. There will now be 3 main categories for beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Winner in each category daily will be awarded 3 SBD. The remaining 1 SBD per day will go towards a weekly reward of 5 SBD for overall best poem in each category selected from the daily winners. The limit on number of wins is also abolished (there used to be a limit for once in 25 days) so try your best!

Another major thing forgotten in the first post: please put the day number somewhere in the title of your post, to help me find them more easily. Use the tag #steemitschoolpoetry as one of your 5 tags. If you have not yet joined the Steemit School discord please do so now: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P. If you speak a language other than English you should be writing in that language and then translating into English (do not just use Google Translate!) You can decide which language to put first in your blog. The minimum length is 14 lines and any style is allowed. (free verse, rhyme, sonnet, spoken word, etc.)

Post the poem on your Steemit blog and share in the #100-days-of-poetry channel in the Discord. Make sure you include at least two pictures and cite your sources. You can also record a video or audio of you reading the poem and upload to @dsound or @dtube. If you do this, make your blog design on Steemit.com first and then post to the DApp of your choice. Then copy the design and paste into your auto-generated article.

Days begin and end at 6 PM GMT. The first prizes will be determined at the close of Day 1 on March 8, 2018. The first weekly prizes will be determined at the close of Day 7.


How will poet categories be determined?

First let me state that I am not too fond of categorization. Everyone is an advanced poet, potentially. The only difference between a novice and a maestro is the illusion of linear time. This is something to help us organize things, that is all. That said, the categorization of poets into beginner, intermediate, and advanced will happen in the following way:

  1. In your Day One poem, please put somewhere in a "Reading Notes" section at the bottom what level you consider yourself. In this way the poet will have some input into it.
  2. I will determine based off this, the amount of time you have shared that you have been writing, and by reading your poem where to place you.
  3. I reserve the right to move you up or down in category as the challenge progresses (because it is somewhat relative. Especially up, as we all increase in capability!)


What will class consist of?

Class will be held each day with a different focus. I will determine the theme for the day and write it in an update post. The three daily winners will be invited to read their poem and give a short explanation on its meaning and construction. We will have guest lecturers and performers some days. For now, it will be held at 7 PM GMT until 8 PM GMT. First class is later today at that time, please join in the Steemit School Live section of our discord channel!



We will also periodically have workshops on various aspects of writing, markdown, blogging, etc. that will help us take our content to the next level. These will be announced at least one day prior in the daily update.


Thanks for joining!

Much gratitude to all the amazing poets and poets-to-be that are putting in their part towards this gargantuan effort. Please look for your name in the list at the bottom of this post to ensure you I have marked your enrollment! Enrollment will officially close at the start of Day 1, so there is still a bit more time to join :-)

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What you can do to help

Whether you are an entrant or not, you can help this challenge by upvoting & resteeming these updates, upvoting, resteeming, and commenting on the daily poems of the entrants, and trying to get the ear of more whales and dolphins to support this initiative with their vote and resteem. Let's increase the presence and vibrance of the poetic community and practice increasing our awareness through this wonderful art form!!!


Full list of participants as of
3/7/18 at 6:42 am GMT:


Much love to all.
I can't wait for this to begin!!

Original rules article: @d-pend/announcing-the-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge



Writing & images
By @d-pend

Join the Steemit school
Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
Become part of the movement!

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