The Universal Soldier

The roots of American Urban Poetry go back to 1855 as Walt Whitman describes a Manhattan horseman in Song of Myself from Leaves of Grass.

The blab of the pave . . . . the tires of carts and sluff of bootsoles
and talk of the promenaders, The heavy omnibus, the driver
with his interrogating thumb, the clank of the shod horses on
the granite floor

I see Ubran Poetry today in the form of rap. Although I cannot rap I have my own story to tell. I took this video of US Army Ambulance rushing to a Korean hospital. I don't know the whole story behind the ambulance or the soldier or the cars chasing the Ambulance. But I would like to share my feeling about what I saw.

Original Poetry @mineopoly

The Universal Soldier

The universal soldier
Young and free

Prudent senior officer
Sage for everyone to see

Anonymous name remembered
Lays down his life for country and friends

Never be forgotten
Name in lights
Blinking lights and sirens.

The Universal soldier
So far in distant lands.
Who cares about just one man?

So close to your door
He calls and you refuse to listen.

He wants a second chance
As the life line blinks.
We are

Single with no family
His children and mother call
Expecting an answer from the one they love
He goes unloved.

The EMT picks takes a call from Galaxy S9.
I'm sorry to inform you
That the one you held
so dear
now near
to heaven's grip.

Never believer in anything
The universal soldier
Now believes in his dream.

Unforeseen hands wheel his stretcher
down the corridor of unknown walls.

The universal soldier
Trusts his life to unseen hands of
Hospital personal
He doesn't know whether
He will go to heaven or...

I couldn't help but think of @moderndayhippie when I wrote this. This is my 19th poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ Job 38:4-7

" “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone-- while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? "

Mineopoly Quote:

He has a million names.


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

Scaffolding Vygotsky Style
The Other Side
A Shrimp is Crushed
Love it Shove it Paradox
Tactile Learning - touch
What's the Matter?

All pictures here can be found in pixabay or they are original works @mineopoly. Some have asked about Groovy School. Every post here is still Groovy School. I have been following @asapers and found that a lot of steemians give rewards of Steem basic income. I think that is the best way for me to reward interaction in my posts. I will talk a little more about how you can get a steembasic income share from me in my next post. I think it is the best reward because it ensures that participants continue to post and are rewarded over time. As for today I will reward the first comment with an example of Urban poetry from Walt Witman other than the example mentioned in this post.


Do you know a veteran you want to thank?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

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