Life Source-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Twenty Seven

Life Source

I sit with my babe in my arms
this rush of joy that sweeps through me
as I make contact with your eyes.
This feeling of contentment,
of wholeness,
As I feed you from my breasts,
As my whole body cradles you.
I am your life source
and you are mine,
No words can ever explain the passion I hold
the passion I see in your eyes.
This bond is timeless,
it is not one I can easily describe,
Your presence is what drives me to be more alive
To awake and embrace each day,
So grateful to be always at your side,
This wonder that you have brought with you,
Brought into so many lives.


I consider myself to be a intermediate poet.

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Thank you @d-pend for creating this challenge and allowing me to take the time daily to be creative and expressive. . It is something that I have never had any input with , it comes straight from my heart, on to paper and more recently here on to steemit

Check out this great challenge here: @d-pend/announcing-the-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge
Join the steemit school on discord

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