Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8weeks-week #3

It's the third week of the challenge and yes am still participating because with steemit, it keeps getting better.


Before I take you on this rollercoaster ride, I want to sincerely appreciate @dorbatim, @flysky @aidasfg7 for organizing this contest and giving me a platform to air my success story from steemit.
To the winners of the first two weeks @utomobong and @josecarrasquero; your success story is really encouraging: indeed the journey has been worth it.
To all donors of this contest; thank you for your love.

So keeping up with my success story; I will tell you how far I have come with steemit in 4 different ways. As always let's get it started with the:

Life communications

I am an individual who is always interested in anything that will help me grow and be a better person than I was yesterday. I am so driven by my dreams, goals and aspirations; I am always alert for any avenue I can achieve that.
When I first heard about steemit, I discarded the news and didn't take it seriously because all I could think of was: what will I possibly have to write everyday or how would I get it to work but then after all the success stories I heard I decided there is no harm in trying; better to get it started than stay and contemplate.
I signed up and did the necessary, at first it wasn't just forthcoming, everything seemed so frustrating but after advices from friends I decided I am better than this; I have seen worse cases so why not do this in my usual way. So I decided I wasn't going to let my earnings on my post deter me from making the best of steemit.
So I decided to push further,

what is it others are doing, that am not or what can I do differently.

So I enquired from friends I have come to know through the steemituyo group, the genesisproject family and all what they said was quite relative to each other..

be yourself, socialize, get to know and understand the community

After hearing these things, I was surprised I didn't do this at first because I can be very social and I always want to know more so I decided to activate that and steemit became better than I started.

The community has really influenced my life, my view on certain matters and that it's never too late to start as long as you start.
With the steemituyo family, I have discovered that no one can survive alone. This is one group who thinks of everyone as one and is always willing to lend a helping hand. With them I have had a special connection with people and I have been taught by others. I have been able to give my own quota to the needs of others.

All recent happenings since I joined steemit has showed me that with the right mind set, right set of people and a good environment; I can accomplish anything I desire all I have to do is activate the mission and only believe.
Seeing all the changes in my life through steemit, I have not stopped telling people about it and I have introduced more than 4 people to steemit this week and still aiming to cover higher grounds. I need them to experience this love I am getting too.

Business communication

Being an individual who wants to have different streams of income, steemit has been that avenue for me. Before I joined steemit all I had as a business working experience was being a property marketer and a network marketer.
However, with steemit my profile has increased; Aside from being a blogger on steemit, I have been able to get to understand cryptocurrencies more and even got to buy some coins.. Yes, with steemit I have widened in the business world. Click on this link to read all about my coin adventure..


Also, on the business field, I joined a network sola where it's another community where you get to meet like minds and posts on all the good stuff and get rewards for it.

My property job has received a wider coverage, I have met with people who have taken interest in it and are ready to do business.

My network marketing, it only gets better, I have been able to get interested people to sign up and the steemit community has given me a very beautiful platform to keep growing.

Financial communication

This is one angle that if I don't let you know how it has been then I wouldn't be so grateful. Before I joined steemit, I earned only on a monthly basis (the pocket money I receive from my parents, my rewards from my Swissgolden investment and when I sign on a new client interested in a property) but now, it's a different level all together.

Fortunately for me since I heard and joined steemit, not a day goes by I don't make an earning no matter how little. These earnings have helped me create other wealth by buying cryptocurrencies.

Steemit has increased my savings and investment capacity. Most times, it's month end and I don't bother my parents to send me money because I have want to use till their quota comes in.

My financial life has taken a positive turn and steemit has played a major role in making this happen.

Education communication

Combining my studies with steemit has really been strenuous. To make it easier for me, I decided to rank my priorities. So while during the day, I am in school studying, submitting assignments and all doing all sort of academic work, I ensure that I will always make out time in the evening to get equipped with recent happenings through steemit.

I have learnt alot from steemit especially with reference to the medical world and the crypto market. While I get all form of learning relating to my profession in class, I get all other form of learning here on steemit; When I want a new avenue to strive, I know just the place to visit.
Also, when I need to get different opinions on certain medical matters, all I have to do is visit the @air-clinic blog because I am sure I will have an educative interaction.
When it comes to new recipe to try out, places to visit, must see movies or things i don't know on certain matters; steemit participants will always have an update.

With this, I can never regret giving a fraction of my time to come online on steemit and go through all this.

Steemit has made my life better, wiser and stronger than it met it and I can only be ever grateful to @datibomchic for pushing me through.

It's exactly 27 days since I joined steemit and the experiences is this interesting and successful; how much more when I become 6months to a year old.. I do hope you keep up the trend because it's going to epic.

My success story on steemit has amazed and exceeded my expectations. Am grateful I took this step and I am only just getting started.

Are you here and you are interested in sharing your success story then you can join by visiting this link:


Thanks for making out time to visit my blog today 👏. You all encourage me to do better.

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